2 of The Best Platforms to Use to Reach BikerFest Block Party Audience
If you were asked what social media platforms you use daily, most adults would probably say Facebook. Considering that Facebook has over 2.9 billion monthly active users and is the number one social platform globally, it's easy to see how this could be. For any business trying to reach an adult audience of any kind, Facebook could be the apparent source to distribute content. Facebook is the home base for most adults. The second runner-up to this popular demand for social media content is YouTube. With 2.2 billion monthly active users, it is almost impossible for anyone not to run into a YouTube video at some point. This makes the obvious choices of platforms to distribute content that targets adults, Facebook, and YouTube.
As of January 2022, the most significant percentage of Facebook users is between 25 and 34. The next highest age group is 35 to 44. With 15% of motorcycle owners between 30 and 49, BikerFest Block Party can find its target markets on Facebook. This will be ideal for their content to reach bikers and the community.

YouTube would be the best choice for video content specifically. As of March 2022, there are 3 million paying subscribers to the YouTube platform. Daily viewers spend about 1 billion hours watching videos on the YouTube Platform. A total of 81% of U.S. adults use the platform. 91% of these users are between the ages of 30 and 49. This proves to be an ideal place for BikerFest Block Party to reach its audience. 

The content I am recommending will perform well on both platforms. Mixing a combination of excitement, humor and seriousness should be enough to tug at heartstrings converting viewers into the call to action. With attention spans being so low today, this video content will prove to be short enough to hold the audience's attention while being strong enough to convert viewers to action. Take a look for yourself, and don't forget to convert to the call to action after the video takes you through an emotional roller coaster that tugs at your heartstrings.

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