Hey BestFriend!
How often do you daydream about your future self? What kind of impact do you want to make in the world? Have you ever thought about what is holding you back? 

I am super excited to share that the vision of my future self is becoming clearer every day and it includes YOU! We are all here on this earth to serve each other in some way and I believe my calling is to become great at serving the Greatness of Man Kind. That’s where you come in, I desire to support you in your calling, by providing services that help you to generate revenue and WIN!

My mission is to become the “Go to” for a guaranteed WIN. Yes, you heard me right! My goal is to facilitate winning through revenue generation and the close-knit support of a BestFriend. Allow me to take you through all that I plan to do to be in the greatest position to help you.
The Graduation Milestone
I have been working diligently on becoming a master in my field. Loading my professional toolbox with all the skills and knowledge necessary will put me in a position to help others. Already possessing my bachelor’s in digital marketing, I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in public relations. With time moving so fast, my graduation is just around the corner. Focusing my sights on the key tasks that will push me toward my overarching goal will ensure that I can hit the ground running by the end of next year.

Primarily, I will spend this year establishing my brand identity and serving as a beacon to others. As evidence of my capabilities, I aim to secure at least 3 personal WINs and contribute to at least 2 Wins for someone else by graduation. Like piecing a puzzle together, each piece represents a success story moving me a step closer to my ultimate WIN!
Six Steps Towards The “WIN”
To bring my vision to fruition, I have devised a strategy composed of six crucial steps:

Developing an App: We all have hang-ups and pain points that keep us from being great. I am in the process of creating a user-friendly app to assist in removing these blockers and creating a bridge connecting you and me to closely walk down your path to success together. (I’m only telling you about this for now BestFriend, so please don’t share this information with anyone else. 😉 )

Continuous Learning: While I plan to spend this year studying hard for graduation, my education won't end there. I plan to stay in the know of all fields. I need to add value to the value that you already possess, so I must know what is going on.

Testing Theories: As I have mentioned before, this year is about attaining mastery. So, I will use this time to learn different strategies for generating revenue digitally and achieving success. This will help me to validate my methods and strengthen my approach.

Networking: I am constantly networking as I am sure you are too. Well just Like you, I will continue to form valuable connections. When you understand that “Teamwork makes the dream work” and “Iron sharpens Iron”, This step is self-explanatory.

Building Credibility: I intend to consistently deliver on my promises and document my results, starting right here! You heard it first BestFriend. This is my plan and I want you to hold me accountable, Because I will be doing the same for you.

Walking The Walk: It’s important to me, that you can see me “Practice what I preach”. I will use this time to articulate my systems and strategies through my actions and investments. I need you to see me WIN BestFriend! So, make sure you are following my journey!

Harnessing the Power of Networks and Clubs​​​​​​​
In this journey to become the Ultimate “Go-To” for the “WIN”, I have identified the importance of leveraging industry clubs and professional networks. Currently, I am a member of PRSSAAMA, Grammy U, and The Juke Joint Foundation. Each of these associations equips me with valuable connections and insights within the PR, Marketing, and Music Industries. These are the industries in which I am focused on making the biggest impact.
My professional Learning Network is significant in shaping my career trajectory. Their constructive feedback and guidance helped me to refine my approach and steer towards my goals. (See how we all need each other 😁)

Being an active Full Sail club member of multiple clubs and serving officer roles in them all, I have access to a wealth of opportunities and resources within the entertainment business. I will be moving to Florida soon to be closer to this support system within Full Sail Uni versity.

So, BestFriend, this is it. This is my journey towards growth, innovation, and triumph with You! I am super excited to dive headfirst into our thrilling and transformative adventures together. I can’t wait to see you WIN BestFriend!

Be sure to follow my journey and reach out when you need me!

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